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Who We Are

The city of Mumbai, which is the nerve Center of commercial activities, nick-named as commercial capital of India, has been attracting people from all over the country in search of livelihood. This city perhaps is the only city in the country known to cater the needs of educational and social ambitions of various cross sections of the people, thus maintaining its cosmopolitan character. The philanthropic public of this great metropolitan city have helped in establishing innumerable social and educational institutions in the city rendering yeomen services to various sections of the society.


Among such institutions, are those which were established by Kannadigas/Tuluvas mainly handling from undivided South Kanara district of Karnataka State, migrated to this metropolis in search of employment and better living. Once they found their livelihood, their attention was diverted towards their community development.

With these sentiments, the migrated people belonging to Sapaliga-Ganiga community who were scattered all over Mumbai felt the need of interacting among their community members association/Sangha  had emerged much before pri-independence period.


Thus, ‘The Saphalya Seva Sangha’ formerly known as ‘Ganiga yane Sapaliga Sangha came into existence through the efforts of the noble souls of our community, on the auspicious day of Ganesh Chaturthi in August 1941. The noble souls with the missionary zeal who laid the foundation stone by converting the initial meeting were Late Jaru L. Suvarna, Late Siddu A. Salian and Koraga A. Salian. However, it was during the 2nd meeting that the concrete proposal in regard to the formation of our association was crystalized and a committee was setup under the Chairmanship of Late M.B Narsingh Rao and Late R.C. Hejmady. Late Dr. G.K. Mulki, a renowned Physician & Surgeon of international repute inaugurated the opening of Sangha and also became the founder President of the Sangha.

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